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Where can I check my usage?

You can check your usage in the Activity section of your online account.

It will show you the calls, texts and data usage on your line since your plan last renewed and any Pay As You Go usage in the last 30 days.
All incoming & outgoing calls are charged per minute & you are charged for all incoming calls & texts.
Calls are rounded up to 1-minute increments, regardless if you use Pay As You Go or minutes from your plan balance.
For example:
  • if you just had a call of 14 minutes and 23 seconds, you will be charged for 15 full minutes and it will display under the "Usage" column of your Activity as "14:23 min"
  • if you had a call for just 34 seconds, you will be charged for 1 minute and it will display under the "Usage" column of your Activity as "0:34 min"
Keep in mind that only the phone numbers for outgoing calls will display in your Activity - we do not have the phone numbers for incoming calls.

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