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How can I change my Security PIN?

To change your current Security PIN, follow these steps:
  • Go to the "My Information" section of your online account (not the "My Tello" App).
  • Navigate to the "Account Details" section.
  • Click the green "Change" button next to the "Security PIN" label. You will first be prompted to confirm your current Security PIN. If you can't remember it, you can use the "Reset Security PIN" option.
  • After confirming your current Security PIN, you can input a new Security PIN in the "Set new Security PIN" field.
  • Click "Update Security PIN."

Important Notes:
The new Security PIN you choose must be a 4-digit number-only code. It cannot contain letters or any other special characters.
The Security PIN is different from the porting out PIN required when you choose to leave Tello.

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