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What do I do if I receive the Voicemail invalid message?

First, make sure your Voicemail is properly set up:
  1. There are 3 ways you can access the voicemail system:
    • Press and hold the number 1 key
    • Dial 123
    • Dial your own Tello phone number
  2. You will be directed to your voice mailbox and you'll have to initialize your mailbox.
  3. If it was already set up, you will need to insert your password. In case you can not remember it, please note that you can Reset the Voicemail Password by dialing the code: #793# and follow the prompts in the confirmation message.
  4. If the Voicemail was not set up, the recorder will prompt you to record your greeting, name and set up the password. Your voicemail should now be ready to use.
  5. Once your Voicemail is set up, you can access it again by dialing any of the previous options.
In case your phone number is not recognized by the voicemail system and you still get an error of "Voicemail Invalid" please send us an email with the issue description or reach us via phone. You can find our contact information here.

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