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What happens to my plan balance if I change my phone plan?

If you manually change or renew your plan during the billing cycle (any day before your next automatic renewal date), any remaining balance will roll over for the next 30 days (except for unlimited plans) as long as the new plan you chose also includes the same services you want to be rolled over.
For example, the minutes & data of your current plan will roll over if the new plan has minutes & data.
However, if you decide to buy data only, the minutes will not roll over.

Therefore, any remaining balance (minutes, data) from a service you are renewing or changing will roll over the following 30 days.
Any remaining balance from a service you are excluding from the new plan will expire on the original expiration date.

Also note that if the plan renewal fails because your payment method can not be charged or because you forgot to set up the 48-hour notification, then no balance will be rolled over and those balances are not refundable.

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